From ideas to reality, Control Ltd. is dedicated to simplifying and creating solutions for dispensing across multiple industries.

Seth Phong

Seth Pheng – President CEO

Seth has a Doctorate in Pharmacy and is currently a practicing pharmacist with over 19 years of experience in retail, hospital, clinical, and dispensary settings. Transitioning from a traditional retail pharmacy setting to a medical marijuana dispensary, he recognized the need for more accurate dosing methods within the current cannabis products available. He co-founded Control Ltd. to create dosing products that will help all MM patients have access to accurate and reliable therapeutic doses. His goal is to standardize accurate dosing for all applicable products.

Soph Horn

Soph Horn – VP Research and Development

Soph comes to Control with over 17 years of experience in the manufacturing, healthcare, and consulting industries where he has worked in partnership with all levels of stakeholders to identify, develop and improve systems, processes, and practices. Soph continually endeavors to expand and strengthen his foundation while openly sharing his thoughts, knowledge, and skills with others. Soph holds a degree in mechanical engineering, as well as, an MBA in healthcare management.

Trish Smith

Trish Smith – VP of Operations

Patricia has an extensive background in accounting, advertising, staffing, and recently as a patient advocate in a dispensary. Having lost her three year old son to pediatric cancer, she became interested in the benefits of medical marijuana reducing nausea and pain associated with chemotherapy. Seeing numerous patients benefit from the use of medical marijuana, working at the dispensary further pushed her drive to seek out more ways to fuel her passion. This led her to help start Control Ltd.